Recent development in Robot technology has made its presence in evitable in the industry. Robots are being endowed with more capabilities such as rudimentary sensory perceptions and advanced technology for artificial intelligence and decision making An Embedded system is typically a microprocessor or micro controller based system, which is designed into another piece of equipment to perform a specific preprogrammed task. The user can see the video image and can command the robot do to the particular task. as the robot is like a human being it can move in all direction according to the output from the user. the coding for the control and operation of the robot is written in assembly language, which is converted in ASCII code via the Top view programmer into the 8051 chip.
This blogs include embedded systems, VLSI technology, Microcontroller and Microprocessors, ARM processors, Engineering projects, Science and Technology related articles, engineering projects related articles, Solar MPPT, Solar Net metering, Switchgears, Solar Energy
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Recent development in Robot technology has made its presence in evitable in the industry. Robots are being endowed with more capabilities such as rudimentary sensory perceptions and advanced technology for artificial intelligence and decision making An Embedded system is typically a microprocessor or micro controller based system, which is designed into another piece of equipment to perform a specific preprogrammed task. The user can see the video image and can command the robot do to the particular task. as the robot is like a human being it can move in all direction according to the output from the user. the coding for the control and operation of the robot is written in assembly language, which is converted in ASCII code via the Top view programmer into the 8051 chip.
In case of overhead crane, the entire crane structure will be enclosed inside a large room. In industries such cranes are used for carrying tons and tons of loads. The loads to the crane are normally very far from the operator’s view. Thus this project helps the operator to be near the load, by providing remote operation
For such a remote operation microcontroller ATMEL 89S52 has been preferred due to its special features. In this system, the microprocessor continuously scans for any key press from the matrix key pad. As soon as the microcontroller recognizes the key press it generates a code corresponding to the key which has been pressed.
Then the encoded code is modulated and transmitted through the transmitter section. At the receiver section the demodulated code is multiplexed to the corresponding motor which controls the direction and movement of the OH crane.
The biomedical telemetry system consists of temperature sensor, heart beat sensor, pressure sensor, A/D converter, signal conditioning circuit, microcontroller, data cable, mobile phone, LCD display.
The temperature sensor is used to sense the temperature value of the patient’s body .The sensed output is given to A/D converter where the analog signal is converted to digital signal. The digital output is given to microcontroller. The microcontroller delivers the signal for mobile phone through data cable. Then the signal is transmitted to other mobile through GSM network. The receiver mobile receives the signal and it is given for a PC. The signal from data cable is given to PC and the value gets displayed using monitor.
The pressure sensor is used to sense the pressure value of the patient’s body .The sensed output is given to A/D converter where the analog signal is converted to digital signal. The digital output is given to microcontroller. The microcontroller delivers the signal for mobile phone through data cable. Then the signal is transmitted to other mobile through GSM network. The receiver mobile receives the signal and it is given for a PC. The signal from data cable is given to PC and the value gets displayed using monitor.
Heart beat can be sensed by using heart beat sensor which is then given to a signal conditioning circuit. This unit delivers a train of pulses to microcontroller and the value gets displayed using LCD display.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
GPS Applications
GPS watches can program your route in advance and they can save and chart your trips from previous data. You can store all of the coordinates of interesting vacation locations, and you can retrace your steps back to your starting point. GPS watches have become a prerequisite for the mountain climber and avid hiker. Because of the valuable properties of this watch, millions of dollars have been saved searching for lost sportsmen. Even in terrain with no landmarks, or in conditions of low visibility, you will know exactly where you are and how to get to your destination. GPS watches are becoming known as the hiker's bible. It has made this sport easier and much safer. GPS watches are also being used by scientists, farmers, surveyors, soldiers, delivery drivers, dispatchers, sailors, fire-fighters and lumberjacks. People from all walks of life are using GPS watches in different ways to make their work more productive, safer and easier. GPS watches combine an altimeter, barometer, thermometer and compass with the GPS functions. All of these components are packed into a single watch. Your watch can plan your routes from home while looking at a map, and then save them into your watch. When out in the field, your watch will tell you which way to go and how fast you are moving. It will tell you how far you have traveled and how far you still have to go. It even tells you when you will be arriving at your destination. You can designate a "home" position and then when you hit the "find home" button from any location, you will receive the route and the distance back. When you go on an adventure without a route in mind, you can use this watch to keep track of your position, speed and distance. But, most importantly, you will able to find your way back to where you started from. Getting lost is not even an option with this watch. What's more incredible is that when you find a place of interest, such as a camp site, scenic view, fishing spot or even a fabulous antique store, you can save the coordinates into your watch. GPS watches are single navigational computers, and have created adventure for the seasoned sportsman and seasoned shopper, simply by a flip of the wrist.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The automatic water pump controller is used to control the water pump motor. The motor gets automatically switched on when water in the overhead tank (OHT) falls below the lower limit. Similarly, it gets switched off when the tank is filled up. Built around only one NAND gate IC (CD4011), the circuit is simple, compact and economical. It works off a 12V DC power supply and consumes very little power. The circuit can be divided into two parts: controller circuit and indicator circuit. The controller circuit is one which is used for the purpose of controlling the water pump action. When the water level reaches a maximum level the motor turns off and when the water level goes below the minimum level the motor turns on automatically.
This circuit consists of a NAND gate IC (4011), three transistors (BC547), two relays with specification 12V, 200ohm 1C/O, four resistors (1K), two diodes (1N4001). The indicator circuit is one which is used to indicate the level of water inside the tank. Depending upon the number of LEDs that glow we can determine the level of water inside the tank. This circuit consists of five LEDs, five NPN transistors (BC547), ten resistors (1K). So, from the glowing of LEDs, one can determine the water level in the tank. This device is very much useful to curb the overflow of water in overhead tanks which in turn favours conservation of water. With further advancements, it can be used to check the level of water in dams.
All the industrial application processes are mainly dependent on temperature variations .We need to maintain a constant temperature or temperature pattern throughout the process. The manual methods employed are mostly inaccurate and time consuming which can be made accurate by automating the manual temperature controls. These automated methods are efficient and highly productive when compared with manual methods. This is mainly achieved by the use of computer and aided circuits and soft wares. There are many ways to carry on this in which we have selected the method of implementing virtual instrumentation principles. Here we depict a real time temperature control of a chamber consisting of a medium (air or water) using virtual instrumentation software namely, LABVIEW. Project’s basic circuitry comprises of a heating chamber, a heater, a computer with lab view installed for controlling and a temperature transducer for measurement and feedback purposes. The LABVIEW v8.0 is selected as it is a completely platform independent, highly emulating, real time monitoring and control software.
This project is concerned with prevention of road accidents by obstacle detection and speed control of vehicles. Accidents can be minimized by maintaining a specific distance between the vehicles. The IR sensor, which is attached to the moving vehicle, which detects any obstacles or vehicles which appear within the preset distance. The output of the sensor is used to activate a relay. On activating the relay, automatic speed control programming is performed by the microprocessor and manual operation is performed otherwise. A stepper motor interfaced with the microprocessor effects the change of gear according to the program thereby reducing the speed of the vehicle.